About us


Our story is a sample of innovation, hard work, and the passion for the world of crypto trading. It all started back in 2018 when two young friends with a shared interest in cryptocurrency began creating a bot for trading. They connected it to Binance and created a simple bot in-house. The initial feedback from friends was overwhelmingly positive, and it encouraged them to take the project seriously. As they continued to work on the bot, market fluctuations at the time and their efforts made it more profitable, so they had the required funds to continue developing the project. In 2020, they began thinking globally and realized that it was time to expand their reach beyond their local community. They moved into a new office, and more experts joined their team.

With a mission to build a platform for the new era of crypto trading, they continued to work hard and were joined by even more developers and experts in 2021. They built one of the most scalable infrastructures in the world for providing different sorts of services to meet the needs of crypto traders.

Today, we are a team of experienced traders, developers, and security experts on a mission to make a universal change in the world of trading and investing. We understand the challenges traders face when switching between exchanges, so we came up with a solution to provide all the services they need in one place - that place is Orading.

Orading now operates globally with diverse teams in Europe and the US, and we partner with various crypto exchanges to build trust, making trading easier and more secure for our users.

At Orading, we assist traders in minimizing and prohibiting the mistakes that are commonly made in trading. Our platform establishes a secure connection to exchanges, and we provide traders with outstanding features such as analytical data and bots to make trading easier for them.

But we are not done yet - we are constantly expanding and innovating at Orading. We have exciting news to share with you soon, so stay tuned!

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progress together

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